The Salon de l'Escalade has just no equivalent in Europe!

Certified as an international event at each edition, it brings together the entire climbing sector and all related practices: Mountaineering, Canyoning, Via-Ferrata, Caving, Slacklining and even Rope Access. Gathering all its representatives: Manufacturers, Retailers, Venue Operators, Local Authorities, Tourism Operators, Sports Educators, Trainers, Rescuers, Authors and Publishers, Event Organisers, Associations Managers, Journalists... The event is designed to address 2 ultra-complementary and intimately linked visitors who, in some cases, are one and the same: professionals (+ project developers) on the one hand, and the general public (passionate end-users) on the other.

All bold and highly creative, our exhibitors thrive on immersing us in their respective environments, showcasing their extraordinary products and services through events, practical workshops, challenges, presentations, tests, athletes, demos and sales.

Always in an unrivalled, ultra-convivial atmosphere that delights exhibitors and visitors alike!

© Damien Largeron Photography


1. Easily Address our promising and competing market with France's only International Verticality Trade Show
2. Accelerate your projects development and attract talented future employees
3. Actively build brand awareness among passionate and demanding end-users
4. Build your network for real, enjoying warm encounters in ultra-convivial atmosphere
5. Capitalise on the symbolic start of the year period, when new customer opportunities emerge.


After the first four editions in Lyon and then Grenoble, the Salon de l'Escalade is aiming for a new summit: Paris!

With 2.2 million and 12.2 million inhabitants respectively in its inner and outer suburbs, Paris has the largest number of Clubs and Climbing Gyms in the country and, logically, the greatest number of climbers, making the Salon de l'Escalade potentially the No. 1 gathering of climbers in France.
In addition, since Paris can be reached directly from any city in France and is located less within 3 hours from any European capital, the event could well turn out to be the leading gathering of climbers in Europe!

One site surpasses all others when it comes to events down there. As the leading venue resort in Europe regarding the amount of events it organises, definitely an unrivalled international meeting point and an emblematic venue hosting the capital's most prestigious events, we are proud – as of 2025 – to settle in the 'Paris Expo Porte de Versailles' Exhibition Centre!

There, 5600sqm and 8m high Pavilion 5.1 will give you a warm welcome as of your arrival on site!
There, you'll find a warm welcome in Pavilion 5.1, with its 5,600sqm of floor space and 8m interior height!


Now scheduled as the first event of the year, the Salon de l'Escalade meets the very expectations of all those involved:

For enthusiasts, available and eager to invest in their passion

Driven by new resolutions, the impatience to get back into sport is obvious, at first indoors because of the poor weather conditions and then outdoors for the first outings!
A new start means new equipment needs for visitors, spending their New Year's gifts and taking advantage of unbeatable "fair rates"!

For climbing gyms and clubs operators, ready to welcome all (new) enthusiasts

In January, indoor venues hit record attendance figures. For private operators and clubs, it's a chance to increase user loyalty with discounts on memberships and entry fees.
The inhabitants of the Paris region, with their unique range of available gyms, are the focus of all operator's attention!

For manufacturers, distributors and retailers eager to promote the latest products

January is the key moment to unveil the new autumn/winter collections, presented in a showroom with restricted access for retailers.
Attending the tradeshow, brand representatives can both sell-in to distributors, while promoting sell-out to demanding end-users.

For tourism, events and sports coaching promoters, key drivers of attractiveness

Positioned in the early days of the year, the exhibition strategically announces all the remarkable events to come.
Only a few weeks ahead of the spring season, it's a great opportunity for tourism operators to showcase their destinations, and for sports instructors and coaches to promote their discovery trips and advanced training courses.

For exhibitors and visitors finally, since January is all about availability

For most of our exhibitors, the early part of the year is rather less busy with fewer internal and external events than fall.
For most enthusiasts, it's an exciting period to resume indoor activities, therefore not weather-dependent. And for all those living in the Paris region, it's an opportunity to devote an entire weekend to their very passion.

A new motto is born: "At the first show of the year, all the enthusiasts will gather, to celebrate verticality all together!"





Equipment and Gear Manufacturer Manufacturer, Distributor, Brand, Collective, Franchise, Cooperative Group... Product promotion, Product-range Showcase, Corporate Communication, Sales, Distributors Network, Meetings with Retailers, Innovations Disclosure and New Collection Exhibition, Brand Ambassadors Promotion, Interactions with End-users, Brand Muse, Recruitment...
Climbing Gym Supplier Climbing Holds, Landing Mats, Walls, Air Purifier, Administration Software... Promotional Actions towards Gyms, Communities, Clubs, Innovations disclosure, and Product-range Showcase, New Products Referencing, Recruitment...
Climbing Gym Owner Group, Independant Business, Franchisor or Franchisee... Corporate Communication, Official Gyms Inaugurations, Tickets and Subscriptions Sales, Athlete's Teams, Ambassadors' Research, Recruiting...
Specialized Dealer, Shop, Online Store Key Account, Independant Dealer, E-Commerce website... Opportunistic sales period, Corporate Communication, New Products Referencing, End-user Advisory, Partnership Actions with Brands, Recruitment...
Sports Educator, Rescuer, Defense Guide Office, Climbing Instructor, Routesetter, Coach, Trade Union, Athlete Agent, Military Officer, Regiment, Rescuer, Emergency Unit... Promotion of Skills, Climbing Trips Sales, Awareness-raising Operations, Communication Campaigns, Operations with Territories, Recruitment...
Federal Organization, Sporting Club Federal Body, Territorial Committee, Comité Territorial, Local Branch, Antenne Locale, Club... New Members Registrations, Corporate Communication, Partners Research, Gears Renewal, Recruitment...
Local Authority, Public Institution, Sports Tourism Régional Council, Departmental Board, Tourist Office, Territorial Development Agency... Partnerships with Sports Educators / Hosts / Operators, Tourism Promotion, Events Supply, Recruitment...
Vocational Training Establishment Vocational School,  Specialized College, Professional Training Center... New Applicants Registration, Private Actors Partnerships, Recruitment...
Food/Drink, Hand/Health Care, Chalk Nutrition Formulator, Health Care Formulator,  Chemical Synthesizer, Pharmaceutical Industry, Craftsperson, Cooperative... Product promotion, Product-range Showcase, Brand Communication, Sales, Distributors Network, Meetings with Retailers, Innovations Disclosure, Interactions with End-users, Brand Muse, Recruitment...
Web Plateform, App, IoT Developer, Web/Multimedia Agency, Freelance... Promotion of Services, Users Registration,  Partners Research, Innovations Disclosure, Interactions with End-users, Brand Muse, Recruitment...
Publisher, Press, Festival, Event Event Agency, Organizer, Publishing House, Press Institution, Collective, YouTube Channel, Blog... Publications Promotion, Subscriptions, Event Promotion, Partnerships, Exhibitors Research, General Public Communication, Recruitment...
Rope Access Work Environment Works at Height Company,
Rope Access Agency, Trade Union...
Promotion of Services, Company or Agency Advertisement, Project Research, Equipment Purchase or Renewal, Recruitment...
Other Climbing Specific Stakeholder Artist, Performer, Designer, Planner, Loueurs, Rental Agency, Repair Works, Upcycler, Specific Supplier... Product or Service Promotion, Brand Communication, Innovations Disclosure, Artwork Sales, Recruitment...
Associative Sector Non-profit Association, NGO, Collective, Group... Actions Promotion, Memberships, Partners Research...